Every year before and after the Christmas, there is a large sales promotion for all customers. This year, the promotion products are dried strawberries and dried cherries, because both them are red which indicates best wish for you. Last year, the promotion products were dried apple rings and pear halves. In my opinion, it is a good time for you to buy various dried fruits and nuts from this company, which will save you money and make you and your family enjoy the high quality snacks in Christmas and the coming New Year.
When moms are planning to have children, dried strawberries provide needed nutrients. Eight medium dried strawberries provide 30 grams of folate per cup of sliced fruit. Folate has been shown to reduce the chance of fetal neural tube birth defects such as spina bifida. That is the reason why six pregnant women in our company prefer the dried strawberries. In addition to being rich in potassium, vitamin C, and B complex, research has shown that dried cherries consumption can help the body prevent heart disease and cancer, as well as provide pain relief and improved bone health. These health benefits are possible due to the antioxidants found in dried cherries, the most vital of which are the flavonoids anthocyanins and quercetin, and the phenolic acid amygdalin.
I have expected the Christmas lunch in this dried fruits company for a long time, and I believe we will have a wonderful lunch in that day.