When you are tired in working, what would you like? A cup of water with haw chips is my first choice. Haw chips are raw materials for juice, wine and snacks. The birthplace of haw is China, although there are hawthorns in foreign countries, you cannot deny that China possesses the best haw.
The haw cannot only be edible but also in medicine, especially the traditional Chinese medicine. With a history of more than 2000 to 3000 years, it has formed a special system to diagnose and cure sick. There is super difference between traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine. The traditional Chinese medicine is based on general understanding about human body, so as one part of it, haw chips play a major role in daily life. Haw chips are not the key part of medicine but the necessary. Haw chips with water are common to see in China, and people like that everyday so as to prevent illness. The sweet and tart flavors of haw chips are the reason why people of all age like them. It is difficult for parents to convince children to take medicine for bitter, while with the haw chips it will be easier.
Repeat job is really boring and sometime I need something to cheer up. As I said above, haw chips are excellent snacks and ingredients for juice. You can try during working hours.